Hutt Valley High School Hutt Valley High School

Year 10 Product Design Technology - Mixed Materials

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Norris.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

Year 10 Mixed Materials in the Creative Lab - 

This course will be taught out of our creative lab (not a traditional hard materials workshop). 

The year long course has been designed to give students an experience in a range of mixed materials including producing:

  • Textile outcomes

  • Pewter Casting

  • Garment pattern making and construction

Students will have the opportunity to understand how to produce and develop a design within Adobe Illustrator to produce their own textile outcome through cutting fabric or printing onto it.

Students will then move onto working within techsoft to produce a mold for pewter casting. 

Students will finish the year with undertaking pattern making to manufacture their own textile outcome.

Within all three outcomes produced students will use the design process to understand how to meet stakeholder needs, produce creative/innovative ideas, incorporate computer design softwares and understand how to evaluate and refine work.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$130.00 for classroom materials.

We are grateful to families making voluntary payments to assist with course specific costs (e.g. Materials for students projects)