Hutt Valley High School Hutt Valley High School

Year 11 Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Salway.

This Year 11 Science course covers key aspects of biology, chemistry and physics and uses these to deepen our understanding of the world.  Biology will focus on genetics and populations. Cell structure will also be covered. Chemistry will focus on atomic structure, properties of solids, organic compounds and acid and base reactions. Physics will focus on energy changes, mechanics, and electrical circuits. 

Students will complete one Level 1 NCEA external assessment. Other parts of the course will be marked against the NZ curriculum levels.

Learning Areas:



Level 2 Biology, Level 2 Chemistry, Level 2 Electronics, Level 2 Horticulture, Level 2 Physics

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Year 11 SciPad workbooks are available for purchase