Hutt Valley High School Hutt Valley High School

Level 2 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr. D. Wood.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 12 English is open to anyone but a reasonable degree of success in Level 1 is recommended.

Year 12 English

Students will continue to focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing skills. They will be trained in how to develop logical written arguments in response to their literature studies. All students will study a number of written texts and a film over the course of the year. Students will create a portfolio of crafted and controlled writing. A speech achievement standard will be offered additionally to all students on an opt-in basis. 

Reading and writing will make up the biggest components of this course. In particular, students will be expected to develop analytical skills during their literature studies. Students have access to 18 core credits as well as 4 more from an optional exam.

There is an opportunity to gain 10 writing and 4 reading credits.

Learning Areas:



Level 3 English