Hutt Valley High School Hutt Valley High School

Level 2 Te Awakairangi

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr. D. Wood, Ms E. Gardenier, Ms E. Cardwell.

Recommended Prior Learning

Reasonable success in Level 1 English.

Te Awakairangi - Maori name for the Hutt Valley - The most precious waterway

Basing ourselves within the Hutt Valley and Greater Wellington Region, Te Awakairangi is a course designed to make global issues local. Using the knowledge of our local place we will look back in history, and into the future, to understand where it is we find ourselves now.

We are offering a course designed to appeal to socially conscious students who want to better recognise their place in this world, develop a sense of social responsibility, understand biodiversity and our ecological footprint, and grasp differing perspectives on local and global issues.

Te Awakairangi is a course designed to help students gain their University Entrance credits. We offer up to 21 credits throughout the year, some of which will be either Reading and or Writing literacy credits. Students have the option of entering external assessments. They will make a decision, with the support of their teacher, about the standards they wish to attempt.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery