Year 10 Food

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: L. Twigg.

If this course is over-subscribed, the principal will select students from those who have selected using a random number generator.

Year 10 food is a course created from aspects of the technology curriculum, the health/home economics curriculum and practical skills that can lead into senior food courses.

When asked what food is, most year 10's will say 'yummy'.  We explore what this means and investigate the psychology of eating.  We look at how colour, taste, smell, texture, fat, sugar and fermentation can all affect how we think and feel about food and eating.

We learn practical skills in cookery and baking which will help our understanding of how ingredients, equipment and cooking techniques can all affect the final product.  We learn these skills through 2 dedicated skills units, baking (cakes, cupcakes, cookies and icings), and breakfast (roasting, frying, poaching and baking).  Food safety, hygiene and knife skills/safety are taught through out these units of work.

We learn about how food is valued and viewed in different countries around the world and the societal, cultural, religious, economic and environmental impacts on food preferences in these countries.

We finish of the year by bringing together the learning from all of the topics and using it to inform our designs for a Fusion Burger Competition.


Course Overview

Term 1
Psychology of food - students explore colour, taste, texture, smell, sugar, fat and fermentation in order to understand our enjoyment of food and eating.

Skills unit, baking. Students will learn how ingredients, techniques and equipment can all impact the final product of baked goods, and be albe to describe how changing/altering any of these things can change the final product. Students will bake cakes, cupcakes, cookies and learn how to make a varietey of icings and icing techniques.

Term 2
Nutriton, healthy eating,well-being and hauora are explored in depth this term. Students learn about the nutritional guidelines, nutrients, food groups and the impact of these on both their physical and mental health. We learn to read labels, make food journals and design/adapt meal plans. Students are able to explore different recipes and techniques to adapt recipes for lunches, dinners and snacks.

Practical skills unit: breakfast. We will look at some favourite breakfast/brunch dishes from top cafes around wellington and recreate them, focussing on local ingredients. We will be developing practical skills and food knowledge.

Term 3
Our food choices and preferances have many influences; social, economic, cultural, religious, environmental and physical. We look at different countries around the world and how these factors determine food choices. We will recreate various traditional dishes from different countries and look to understand what the influences on the dish are.

Pracical skill unit: Fusion Burger competiton. The word fusion, when related to food, means bringing together more than one traditional food or food culture. We will aim to do this in a burger and justify our design choices based on our learning from through out the year.

Term 4
With the culinary skills and food knowledge gained through out the year students will individually design a food product. The product must be cross-cirricular, ie there must be an aspect from any one of their other subjects that influences the design. The product must then be prototyped, tested, evaluated and a finished product made.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry- prior experience is highly recommended

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$160.00 for classroom materials.

We are grateful to families making voluntary payments to assist with course specific costs.


Level 1 Practical Foods leads to Level 2 Hospitality

Assessment Information

Assessments will be both written and practical. The assessment will test the students knowledge and skills equally at the end of each unit of work.