Hutt Valley High School Hutt Valley High School

Year 11 Japanese

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Langley.

Communication and intercultural competency skills are developed through learning about:  hobbies, shopping, free time activities, city and country living, cultural events, school life, travel to Japan, careers and aspirations and health. Students learn to read and write up to 50 Kanji characters.

Cultural comparisons between New Zealand and Japan are encouraged through discussions of various cultural conventions. Students will come to understand their identity and place in the world in relation to others. Varied language activities will foster the development of skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking, with a strong emphasis on communication. Developing international understanding and intercultural competency skills is also an important component of this course. 

Students will complete one External NCEA achievement standard. Alongside the one NCEA standard, there will be a variety of rigorous assessments used.

We have an exchange with our sister school in Japan, Suginami High School in Tokyo. This gives you the opportunity to interact with native speakers and develop your language skills and cultural understanding. We offer a trip to Japan every 2 years for 2 weeks. Priority for this trip will be given to students who are in Year 12 and Year 13, and studying Japanese. Year 11 students may also be eligible to participate in this trip.

This course runs for 4 hours per week for the whole year.

Learning Areas:



Level 2 Japanese

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

2x 1H5 Quad Book, 40 Page Clearfile