Level 2 Employment Ready
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Allen.
Welcome to YEAR 12 EMPLOYMENT READY......
What is ER?? = Employment Ready … essentially the course is about:
- Helping you plan your future career pathway
- Giving you the skills to start travelling down that pathway eg; communication/teamwork
- Giving you the opportunity to ‘experience’ a structured and supportive work environment.
- Providing you with courses that are skills based and look good on your C.V eg; First Aid
- Providing the opportunity to build a bank of credits towards NCEA and other qualifications.
....So What are the key aims???
Get some skills….get some credits…get some qualifications…get work experience What do I need to be..................??
KEEN and Reliable…
Q; How will ER take place Term 1?
- Get to know each other and set goals/expectations for the year
- Set up Career Central and a Career Plan
- Get some new quals eg; First Aid cert and Workplace Safety cert
- Do some voluntary work in a team
By the end of Term One…… getting an idea of what I might want to do after school life….…
By the end of Term Four…… feeling confident about having a concrete plan in place for 2022….. SOME KEY STUFF WE WILL COVER • develop team skills (includes a group project) |
AND....Successful students will be offered external courses like First Aid, Site Safe and Workplace Safety which are valuable certificates for CV's and also provide NCEA credits. Diligent students may also be offered other training courses like barista and customer service.
PLUS... Students who display reliability and a positive, ready to learn attitude, will be considered for workplace experience placement during Terms 2 and 3. Successful students can also apply to gain entry on to the Gateway programme in Year 13.
Course Overview
Term 1
Begin the year by setting goals and learning about the skills and attributes that employers desire (includes guest speakers). Update or create a Curriculum Vitae that will land you employment, including a part time job and complete an assessment about targeting you C.V to a particular job. Complete workplace preparation courses, including First Aid and Workplace Safety. Begin a project about creating and developing your 'Personal profile', which includes goal setting and steps to achieve your goals.
Term 2
Students will complete the personal profile assignment by visiting an employer to ask questions about their career pathway, while also detailing a plan to complete this year and beyond on the journey to their current number one career choice. Begin an assignment called 'Structured Workplace Experience'. The Pathways Workplace Broker (Jodene Fitness) will assist students to plan for and carry out a workplace focused assignment that includes key communication skills and time management. Students will begin a workplace experience in small groups and then graduate up to individual workplace experiences in a career of their choosing.
Term 3
Each student will complete structured workplace experiences and reflect on them, while also updating personal CVs. By this time they will have accumulated 3 L1, 18 L2 and 8 L3 credits. Thereafter the ER course 'individualises' and students can choose to a) have more workplace experiences b) complete more skills based standards or c) both.
Term 4
Students complete a credit check, update C.V's, confirm course/other choices for the next year and prepare for any external examinations (core subjects). We also check that students have sat their learner license. Throughout the year we also support the students who apply for part -time employment.
Recommended Prior Learning
Interest in gaining skills relevant in a wide variety of work placements. There will be work placements and opportunities to attend specific industry courses at WelTec or other industry providers.
This course is a natural fit for students who aim to explore the skills and attributes desirable for entering into workplace training and/or employment across a wide range of vocations.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Be interviewed in a formal interview
Identify personal support needs and services in the local community
Produce a personal targeted CV (curriculum vitae)
Describe ways of managing and coping with change
Demonstrate skills to search and select information
Describe the legal rights and personal responsibilities of secondary school students
Produce a plan for own future directions
Describe aspects of one's own whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity
Describe strategies for managing stress
Explore career options and their implications