Year 9 Product Design CAD/CAM - One Term

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Norris.

This course is all about CAD and CAM in Product Design.

  • CAD stands for Computer Aided Design.

  • CAM stands for Computer Aided Manufacture.

Students will learn to design using a range of design software, such as Illustrator and Techsoft, to produce designs that can then be sent to our CAM equipment. 

Once students have followed a design process on software, they will have the opportunity to make hard materials projects using a laser cutter, 3D printer, or dye sublimation printer to produce their designs.

Students can work with various hard materials to produce these outcomes, showing creativity and innovation and experiencing modern technology along the way.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Approximately $60.00 for materials. We are grateful to families making voluntary payments to assist with course specific costs (e.g. materials for students projects)
