Level 2/Level 3 Gateway
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr R. King.
What is Gateway? … essentially the course is about:
- Helping you plan your future career pathway
- Giving you the skills to start travelling down that pathway
- Giving you the ‘experience’ in a structured and supportive work environment of your choice
- Providing resources to assist you to succeed in that chosen workplace – equipment, assessment etc.
- Providing the opportunity to build a bank of credits towards NCEA and other valuable qualifications (approximately 30+ NCEA Level 3 credits)
Gateway is a Government funded 'premier' programme which provides opportunities for you to participate in workplace learning and achieve workplace qualifications while still at school.
Gateway is a formalised, contract-based learning arrangement - this means our workplace brokers, Jodene and Amanda, arrange a relevant workplace, sort out a contract, organise the gear and take you to your first interview!!
Of course, before the interview, you will be involved in a preparation phase that ensures that you have completed Workplace Safety, First Aid and Site Safe certificates (if required).
Gateway gives students a head-start to gain employment, (part time and full time), access to apprenticeships, further training opportunities and valuable networks for later reference. You will be able to attend work placements that fit into your timetable (this is usually one day a week but is flexible to needs) - NOTE; 10 days minimum requirement in total for the year. Gateway students attend normal classes when they are not on their placements.
You will be expected to catch up on any work missed in other subjects and your attendance ideally should remain at 85% during the year on the Gateway programme. This demonstrates great self organisation skills!! (good for C.V's)
NOTE; Your teacher and workplace coordinators (Jodene and Amanda) will work closely with you to ensure a 'best fit' in the workplace, to minimise stress around the completion of your other school studies subjects and programmes.
Gateway fully funds any course costs and student costs (eg; equipment/tools etc)
Some of the employment placement opportunities include:
Accounting; Agriculture; Animal care; Art and Design; Air stewarding; Automotive technician or re-finisher; Audio-engineering; Architecture; Barista; Banking; Beauty therapy; Baking; Barber; Brick/tile layer; Broadcasting; Building; Butchery; Computing; Conservation; Dance; Design; Diving; Drafting/Graphic design; Early Childcare; Electrical; Engineering; Event Management; Fabrication and welding; Fashion; Florist; Funeral Director; Glazier; Hairdressing; Hospitality; Horticulture; Interior Design; Joinery; Landscaping; Legal; Media; Medical; Music performance and teaching; Nursing; Painter; Performing Arts; Personal training; Pharmacy; Photography; Pilot; Plasterer; Plumbing; Radio and media; Refrigeration Engineer; Retail; Sports and sports coaching; Surveying; Teaching; Transport; Tourism; Zoology...etc
Examples of external courses offered;
Health and Safety Levels 2 and 3;
First Aid Certificate; Site Safe Certificate;
Red Shirts/Countdown Retail Certificate;
Electrical/ ETCO; MITO/Automotive;
Events Management;
Computing/Programming/Game development;
Music/sound production;
Youth work; Early Childhood....etc.
Course Overview
Term 1
During Term 1,following the workplace preparation phase (eg; First Aid/Workplace Safety etc) and careers input (begin Career Plan), students will undertake a significant community based 'project' that develops teamwork, communication and problem solving skills. From week 6 of Term one the Gateway Workplace Coordinator will also begin placing students in their relevant workplace environment.
Students will gain approximately 1 L1 Credit, 1 L2 Credit and 10 L3 credits from the workplace preparation courses and approximately 18 L3 credits from the community based project.
Term 2
During Term 2, following the completion of the project, students may choose assessment standards relevant to their workplace and/or standards from a menu of skills based units. Many students, for example, will be focusing on workplace related standards including Barista, Early Childhood, Automotive, Youth-work etc.
NOTE; Students who complete their community based projects early Term 2, will also be offered 5 L3 credits from 2 generic skills-based standards as an option (eg; Decision Making skills/Researching a workplace).
NOTE; All standards offered in Gateway are Unit Standards and count towards NCEA L2/L3 but not University Entrance. Students in GATEWAY can be expected to complete a minimum of 30 L3 Unit Standard credits during the course.
Term 3
During Term 3, teacher and student revisit the original Career Plan, update C.V's and begin planning for 'next steps', that may include (among other options) apprenticeships/trainee-ships; full time employment; tertiary studies at Polytech/University; or a plan to return to school and complete a higher level NCEA qualification. Gateway concludes with a graduation ceremony and celebration where parents/caregivers can gather with students and invited speakers to recognise their achievements.
Term 4
Revision work for students studying for external exams and continued opportunity to sharpen C.V's for students applying for employment/traineeships etc.
Recommended Prior Learning
Positive attitude, good attendance and a strong work ethic....KEEN AND REALIABLE!!....You will need to to complete an application form (see guidelines below) and then interviews will be conducted with parents/caregivers to ensure we are all on the same page!
NOTE; There is also an opportunity for 'late applications' at the beginning of the Gateway year where students have made changes to course/career directions. This will still require an interview with parents/caregivers included.
If you are keen....... apply!....you may be the very person an employer is looking for. Gateway is an opportunity to try out new careers, gain relevant qualifications, learn new skills, maybe get offered an apprenticeship/traineeship or even take a new career direction that you have now discovered!!
HOW TO APPLY….email to Mr King - [email protected]
GATEWAY application letter format; What to include…
- Introduce yourself… full name, year level, contact details.
- Say why you want to be included in the Gateway programme.
- Talk about your personal strengths and weaknesses...eg; I'm outgoing/ good at time management…focus on your strengths of course!!
- Briefly outline your favourite/best subjects and which ones you struggle with…
- List/describe you extra-curricular activities at HVHS; eg...sports/clubs etc
- List/describe your interests outside of school….hobbies etc
- Discuss briefly what you think an employer would look for in a new employee…qualities/strengths and what might put an employer off!
- Describe your ‘ideal job’ in 2-3 sentences and briefly discuss possible career goals for the next few years.
- Finally, mention any possible employer contacts you might have that could be handy…eg family friend/relation...name the business/contact person. Sign off…send to above email address!!!
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Nil -no cost to student
Gateway leads to employment, industry training, tertiary courses (Polytech, Training organisations etc) and under certain circumstances students can graduate from L2 Gateway to L3 Gateway. Gateway students may also combine their course with University approved subjects.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Conduct informal interviews
Give oral instructions in the workplace
Plan a career pathway
Manage first aid in an emergency situation
Provide first aid
Provide basic life support
Demonstrate skills to search and select information
Contribute within a team or group which has an objective
Give feedback on performance in the workplace
Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role
Plan and engage in an activity intended to benefit the community
Pathway Tags
Physical Education: Teaching, Fitness Industry, Sports Coaching, Sport and Recreation, Armed Forces, Police, Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist Health: Nursing, Medicine, Law, Politics, Social Sciences, Education, Diversional Therapist, Psychologist, Acupuncturist, Ambulance Officer, Anaesthetist, Biomedical Engineer, Chiropractor, Clinical Coder, Community Karitane, Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician, Dental Therapist, Dentist, Diagnostic Radiologist, Dietitian, Dispensing Optician, Environmental Health Officer, General Practitioner, Gynaecologist/Obstetrician, Health Promoter, Massage Therapist, Midwife, Natural Health Therapist, Nursing Support and Care Worker, Occupational Therapist, Optometrist, Osteopath, Pathologist, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Physician, Physiotherapist....ETC,